- August 30, 2013, 3:40 p.m.
Much Chance for Cutting Red Tape for Businesses
The central command of all business by government
is a core goal of the progressives, so cutting red tape for business is
unlikely to happen soon.
Regarding Thomas Stemberg's "A New Law to Liberate American Business"
(op-ed, Aug. 22): In describing the success of base closings, Mr. Stemberg
forgets that the base closings helped to cut military spending, one of the core
goals of progressives. This was a main reason for the success of the base
closings. It was the polar opposite to reining in the crippling rules and
regulations on business. The central command of all business by government is
also one of the core goals of the progressives. Since progressives control the
presidency and the Senate, this rational, obvious release of business back onto
free enterprise cannot happen. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid will in all likelihood never even move this
proposed new law into committee. I just don't believe progressives want to hold
back "job-killing regulations" or any regulations at all.
A better plan for Mr. Stemberg would be to publicize the
huge benefits of business to employment and the creation of prosperity. I
believe most of the electorate doesn't understand this. They are propagandized
to believe "profits" are evil and that business leaders are greedy
and corrupt. Until that changes, nothing will happen. Finally, the greatest
effort needs to be in simply winning elections. A Republican or tea-party
conservative president might stand a chance of passing some common-sense laws.
Until that happens, if it ever does again, the noble effort of Sens. Angus King
and Roy Blunt will be an exercise in futility.
Theodore M. Wight
Here is the
original article about which I wrote:
- August 21, 2013, 7:06 p.m.
Stemberg: A New Law to Liberate American Businesses
If Congress could close military bases, it can reduce
job-killing regulations.
Nearly 30 years ago, I started a company called Staples Inc. SPLS -1.00%that
went on to do pretty well. Launching a business like Staples in 2013 would be a
much harder proposition, with success by no means certain. There are so many
government impediments to business today that the next Staples—and its 50,000
jobs—might never get off the ground.
Chief among those roadblocks: the
blizzard of bureaucratic red tape that buries businesses and stifles job
creation. These include the additional 16 million hours that vending-machine
and chain-restaurant business owners must spend complying with new food
regulations each year. But there is also the license that magicians require to
do a rabbit disappearing act, which mandates an annual fee, surprise
inspections and a rabbit disaster plan. All told, American business faces
46,758 pages of rules to live by in the Federal Register.
This confounding web of federal
regulations may be curtailed if Sens. Angus King (independent, Maine ) and Roy Blunt
(R., Mo.) have anything to say about it. Their Regulatory Improvement Act of
2013 could be a game changer.
The legislation introduced in late July
would create a bipartisan Regulatory Improvement Commission, charged with
recommending cuts in the regulatory regime, and the law would require Congress
to vote on the proposals. This is desperately needed. The government has few
processes at its disposal through which it can re-evaluate the efficacy of
outdated regulations—and many members of Congress lack the expertise, time and
courage to effectively scale them back.
The King-Blunt concept is tested and has already worked
remarkably well. The Defense Base Realignment and Closure Commission, an independent,
bipartisan commission of experts, was established in the late 1980s to reduce
the number of military bases. Politics made it nearly impossible for Congress
to do the job, as it was too easy for politicians to cut deals and protect each
other's pork. Instead, the commission selected the bases and reported its
findings to Congress for mandatory, up-or-down, nonamendable votes.
It worked. Since 1988, there have been
121 major base closures, 79 major base realignments (which may close down part
of a facility or transfer personnel away from it) and 1,000 minor closures and
realignments under BRAC.
In short, the BRAC Commission gave
politicians what they crave most: cover. Nobody back home could blame them for
losing a military base. The King-Blunt proposal will give representatives the
same cover with regulations.
The bipartisan Regulatory Improvement
Commission—with members appointed by the president and congressional
leaders—would tackle one area of regulation at a time. Its members would be
charged with finding regulations that are duplicative, like the 642 million
hours employees will spend complying with redundant regulations this year,
according to the American Action network.
The panel also will try to identify
obsolete regulations, maybe resembling the arcane rules the Federal
Communications Commission leverages to achieve whatever regulatory aims the
commissioners desire.
Finally, the King-Blunt commission will
look for excessive regulation, perhaps scaling back the 1,659 pages of
"simplified" mortgage disclosure and servicing rules the president's
new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau issued in July.
The public—people on all sides of an
issue—would advise the commission in an open comment period while it considered
which regulations to put on the chopping block. The resulting list of targeted
regulations would then be reported to Congress, to be eliminated or curbed.
Here's the best part: Both chambers of
Congress would be required to vote on the recommendations within a month.
Lawmakers could review, but not change, the report. There would be no deal
making, no tricky amendments and no ducking of tough decisions. Lawmakers would
be asked a simple question and could only give the simple answer: yes or no.
Job creators know that regulatory relief
can't come soon enough. In 2010, the Small Business Administration pegged the
annual cost of complying with regulations at $1.75 trillion. The SBA report
covered 2008 and the burden has certainly grown since. A May 2013 report by the
Heritage Foundation, "Red Tape Rising," found that new regulatory
costs added in 2012 totaled $23.5 billion.
That's a staggering amount of money to
pay for government rules. In 2008, the GDP of the entire state of California produced slightly
more than $1.75 trillion. At this rate, the current regulatory regime just
kills more jobs and stifles the formation of new small businesses—the lifeblood
of job creation in our economy.
In 1986, we founded Staples in large
part because of what used to be an enormously productive American financial
system. The system that fueled entrepreneurship 25 years ago is now being
regulated to death under the Dodd-Frank
financial overhaul, which requires as many as 398 new regulations. The next
Staples, and its 50,000 jobs, may not happen because of this burden.
If the president and Congress are
serious about creating jobs, they must take seriously the job-killing regulations
that are holding job creators back. The King-Blunt proposal can get the job
done—and jump-start the lagging economy in the process.
Mr. Stemberg, founder and former CEO of Staples Inc., is
managing general partner of the Highland Consumer Fund and a member of the Job
Creators Alliance.
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