Friday, May 8, 2015

They Got Us Again

Here they go again.

The LiberalProgressiveDemocrats (PLDs) have turned the tables on the regular people of the United States of America. Used to be -- when I was young -- we were respectful and a little bit afraid of the police. Afraid enough not to commit crimes.  Well I did a couple times. My brother and I threw stones to break windows in an abandoned house in Cedar Hills, Oregon. After the act, we looked at each other and not wanting to go to jail, hightailed it (as we used to say) home. No one ever said anything.

That wasn't the case two other times.  Once alone I shoplifted a couple of candy bars at Ranko's Pharmacy in Tacoma. The clerk caught me and luck wouldn't have it, a policemen was outside.  He was brought in to lecture me. I was about eight, and he truly scared me, he was tall and imposing in his blue uniform and deep voice. Mom was called and she came and led me home in shame.

It was years later, about seven or eight when my cousin and I were at the grocery store in Lakewood, Washington.  Seemed a good idea to steal some more candy (I think, I really can't remember what it was) and we did.  Apparently we weren't opaque with our activities: the store manager was watching from a mezzanine-office window. He came down, nabbed us, took us up to the office and called the police.  Then Mom, again, and I suppose my aunt, my cousin's mother. We were 13 or 14. The police came and as they say, read us the riot act, and scared the heck out of me. I don't know about Diana, whether she even remembers. That did it! My life of crime was scared out of me.  I have never committed another robbery.  Or theft.  Or crime, except perhaps speeding.

Fear worked.

Now, though, fear seems to be evil (or perhaps "against Progressive social norms," because there is no such thing as "evil") and that concept is supposed to be a reminder of Republican times. There is a new federal Justice Department probe of Baltimore is to "repair the public's trust in the Baltimore Police bringing about transparency, accountability, and greater community understanding" said Baltimore's mayor, Stephanie Rawlings-Blake wrote in a letter to the new United States Attorney General, Loretta Lynch, both darker-skinned females. This federal probe which looks only for misconduct on the part of police officers in order to renew "trust" of the community with the police. ("Poleeeese.")

Call me old fashioned.  But I actually naively thought that the duty of the police is to degrade and destroy crime. Crime against citizens and their property. Part of that is to cause a healthy respect and fear of the police, not derision.

The LPDs have convinced us -- "We the People" -- that the police are hanging around to make the community feel great about itself, just after that community burned, destroyed and looted its own community and beat a few of them up.  WHAT?  The community that pelted a retreating police troop with huge, dangerous rocks and cement blocks. And a week or so later, amidst celebratory parties and media coverage of the arrest of policemen.

Yes, here they go again.  And they got us again.

Ladies and gentlemen we have lost our country to a gaggle of mad power-hungry politicians and reporters.

They will never stop!  No one in power EVER has voluntarily relinquished their power except by our political system that itself is being ignored, and George Washington.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Mr. Wight,
In your comment today in the NY Times, you wrote of people "tossing around someone else's money (mine and yours) like a drunken sailor."

Let me ask you this question. I grant that Bill Gates deserves to have more money than I. He is undoubtedly more talented and probably harder working. My net worth is something like $50,000, and his is something like $50,000,000,000. So a million times more. Is all that "his money"?

Now, if you say yes, you must believe that a person's wealth directly reflects his personal merits. If he has a million times more money, he has contributed a million times more. It's hard to see how that would make sense. A person's wealth appears to be just what he can claim in today's economy and says little about his personal merits.

People who work full time at McDonald's and have even less money than I are not contributing a millionth of what Gates contributes. They are just not in a position to claim as much.

In the 50's, when the tax rate on the wealthiest Americans was 90%. our economy seemed to do fine.

Later in your posting you mentioned "those mad with power and too much of others' money to blow on hookers, vacations and incorrect recipients." People who take the sort of position you take appear to envision the world through a set of stereotypes. On the one hand, the sober, hardworking people like Gates who deserve the money they earn; on the other, the "takers" who don't work and spend their money on hookers and other unedifying items. But does everyone fit into those categories? What about the people who go to work 40 or more hours a week and just can't claim the big bucks? What if they can't afford medical care for their children or to put decent food on the table?

I hope you will reconsider some of the stereotypes that appear to dominate your thinking.