The Wall Street Journal
Letters to the Editor
Thursday, July 16, 2015, Page A 10
Donald Trump Mucks Around in the Scrum and Fights
While Mr. Trump’s message is often
impolitic, it is a message that needs to be analyzed and understood; we should
not concentrate on his personality or style.
One phrase about Mr. Trump in Ms.
Noonan’s column highlights why liberal/progressive/democrats (LPDs) seem to
have Republicans on the run most of the time: “he doesn’t play within the
margins of traditional political comportment.” Well, neither do the LPDs, and
when they get into power, they don’t obey the law as written. Everything is a
political calculus. And they win. Mitt Romney was a polite gentleman, as most Republicans are, and
didn’t seem to want to get down in the scrum to champion “business” and “free
enterprise,” the core of his experience that would have made him a good
Mr. Trump relishes the spotlight and
enters the scrum to fight. Americans want a leader, and they thought Barack Obama would be one, but it turns out he is the leader of the
Democratic Party, not Americans as a whole, sadly. Ms. Noonan sums up Mr.
Trump’s appeal as having its limits—“Blowhards don’t wear well.” But as Mr.
Romney proved, neither do polite gentlemen.
Theodore M. Wight
And the editorial that led to my letter:
Donald Trump’s Appeal—and Its Limits
Sometimes an ill wind feels like a
breath of fresh air.
NOONAN, July 9, 2015.
Donald Trump is an unstable element inserted into an
unsettled environment. Sooner or later there will be a boom.
He has shot up like a rocket since his June announcement but
likely has a low ceiling and short staying power. He is not as popular with
Republicans as Bernie Sanders is
with Democrats.
Does Mr. Trump ruin the Republican brand? That tends to be
the eager question of those who hope he will ruin the Republican brand. But
he’s his own brand. He doesn’t call his hotels “Republican Plaza .”
He spends much of his time knocking Republicans, setting himself apart from the
party and its contenders.
If he says something stupid and cheap it will reflect on
him. If he should say something brilliant and wise it will not redound to the
benefit of the GOP.
He’ll make things uncomfortable for Republican candidates,
who will devise ways of dealing with it. He enjoys disparaging them—they’re
“dopes”—and highlighting their weaknesses. Just by walking into the room he
lowers the tone. His special brand of irresponsibility may prove infectious.
Reporters love him because he’s colorful, dramatic, walking-talking clickbait.
At the moment he controls the daily agenda because reporters insist other
candidates respond to whatever he says. That will lessen as the novelty
On the other hand Mr. Trump will make most of his
competitors—certainly all those in the top tier—look, in comparison, measured,
thoughtful and mature. No one who looks at Donald Trump will then look at Jeb
Bush, John Kasich or Rand
Paul and question whether he has the
presidential temperament.
Mr. Trump’s loquacity will be a challenge in the debates.
How will anyone get a word in edgewise? Candidates will rely on the moderator.
The moderator may amuse himself by stepping back and watching the fun. None of
the candidates will want to take Mr. Trump head-on because he doesn’t play
within the margins of traditional political comportment. He’s a squid: poke him
and get ink all over you.
He has the power of the man with nothing to lose. If he won
he’d be president. If he loses he’s Donald Trump, only a little more famous.
His next show will get even higher ratings.
He puts individuals and groups down in a mean and careless
way. He has poor impulse control and is never above the fray. He likes to start
fights. That’s a weakness. Eventually he’ll lose one.
But Donald Trump has a real following, and people make a
mistake in assuming his appeal is limited to Republicans. His persona and
particular brand of populism have hit a nerve among some independents and
moderate Democrats too, and I say this because two independent voters and one
Democrat (they are all working-class or think of themselves that way)
volunteered to me this week how much they like him, and why. This is purely
anecdotal, but here’s what they said:
They think he’s real, that he’s under nobody’s thumb, that
maybe he’s a big-mouth but he’s a truth-teller. He’s afraid of no one, he’s not
politically correct. He’s rich and can’t be bought by some billionaire, because
he is the
billionaire. He’s talking about what people are thinking and don’t feel free to
say. He can turn the economy around because he made a lot of money, so he
probably knows how to make jobs.
He is a fighter. People want a
fighter. Maybe he’s impolitic but he’s better than some guy who filters
everything he says through a screen of political calculation.
Some other things Mr. Trump has going for him the three
people I spoke to did not mention but they agreed when I did:
Mr. Trump is not a serious man, which is part of his appeal
in a country that has grown increasingly unserious.
He’s a showman in a country that likes to watch shows—a
country that believes all politics is showbiz now, and all politicians are
entertainers of varying degrees of competence. At least Mr. Trump is honest
about it.
He capitalizes on the fact that no one in America trusts
politicians anymore.
The thing that has propelled him so high so far—he’s No. 1
among Republicans in one national poll, No. 2 in New
Hampshire and tied for No. 2 in Iowa —is his announcement speech on June 16.
One part of the speech has been heavily quoted: “When Mexico sends
its people, they’re not sending their best. . . . They’re sending
people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us.
They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I
assume, are good people.” That last—“I assume”—was the cruelest.
The minute I heard it I knew he’d hit a nerve. He said what
a lot of people think and are afraid to say. Certainly after the murder last
week of a young woman in San Francisco
by an illegal-alien felon who’d been deported five times, what Mr. Trump said
My moderate Democrat friend who called this week was
explicitly supportive of his comment, and asked my opinion. I said illegal
immigration is a calamity. It is an admission by a nation that it has lost
control not only of its borders but of itself. It is no longer functioning as a
sovereign nation; it has lost its self-protectiveness and dignity. And in this
predatory world they note when you don’t see to your own dignity. So I’ve long
supported complete closing of the border to illegal entry and cracking down on
visa overstays.
But as to Mr. Trump’s words, throughout our history other
nations never sent their “best” to America . My
people and my friend’s, the Irish, were not Ireland ’s elite when they came in
the late 19th and early 20th centuries. They had nothing back home; that’s why
they left. The landed gentry, the high-born, the educated and established—they
didn’t come here. They didn’t have to! The wretched refuse did. And the Irish
transition to America
was not so smooth. There was plenty of poverty, overcrowding, addiction,
criminality. We should always remember—and Mr. Trump, as a native New Yorker,
should remember—that our city’s arrest vehicles weren’t known as paddy wagons
for nothing.
There may even have been some fairly fractious Trumps way
back then . . .
We’re all limited by the facts of where we live and what we
see, but I live in New York ,
surrounded by immigrants of all nations, many but by no means all from points
south, and they are the hardest-working people in the city. They keep the place
up and operating each day. Everyone thinks of them as the good guys—they make
nothing worse and a lot of things better. Whether they are legal or illegal, I
see how they work and what they do to educate their children and as human
beings I honor them.
My friend said “Yeah.” And then, more softly, she said
“Yeah” again.
She still likes Mr. Trump, but it gave her pause.
Think of how powerful he’d be if he had a longer memory, or
could take tough stands without maligning people. That’s his weakness.
Blowhards don’t wear well.
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