Friday, May 22, 2009

Thank You Dick Cheney / The Party of "NO!"

Dick Cheney delivered a speech last night (Thursday, May 21, 2009). He was forthright, unafraid, proud of what he did for his country and of his country and fiercely outspoken. Thank you, Mr. Cheney. Republicans seem to be afraid to speak out. They are defensive when attacked by the Left, rather than accepting it and attacking back. For example, when the left-leaning media and liberals labelled Republicans "The Party of No", Republicans blathered on about how they really weren't, blah, blah, blah, and hurriedly put out initiatives to prove they weren't. Defense is exactly where the Left wants Republicans. And they fall in lockstep like little Stepford Liberals. The "Party of No!" Yes we are, proudly.

Party of NO!

I am a proud member of the “Party of NO!” I have been joined by the citizens of the formerly-great State of California. Just say “NO!” Speak up loudly and proudly, Republicans.

No to Big Government
No to High Taxes
No to Huge Deficits
No to Crippling Regulations
No to Robbery of Freedoms
No to Empathetic Supreme Court Justices
No to the Democratic Party

(And from Californians, a resounding:
"No" to tax increase
"No" to supplemental educational payments
"No" to borrowing from the state lottery
"No" to taking money from adult mental-health programs
"No" to shifting tobacco tax money from kids
“Yes” to banning raises for state officials, which is a “no” to the raises
And at May 22, 2009 California Leads State Job Losses: 44 states lost jobs in April, led by California where employers slashed 63,700 positions)

Liberals label the Republican Party the "Party of “No!” Let’s proudly accept it.

A proud Member of the Party of “NO!”


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